Mountain Pillow sewing tutorial - Sisters, What!

Mountain Pillow sewing tutorial

Mountain Pillow
I've been meaning to share this mountain pillow for while now (like 2 years) but I just keep forgetting, and since I just shared my potato stamped plus sign pillow, I figured now is as good as time as any.

Mountain Pillow
 I came across Design Sponge's mountain pillow tutorial a couple year ago and just knew I needed to make one. My husband loves mountains and we were living far away from mountains at the time so it just seemed the perfect gift. He loved it, but I think it is used more for pillow fights then snuggling on. Just before he throws the pillow at me or the little ones, he'll give us a two second warn with "mountain attack!" Needless to say, the little ones LOVE the mountain pillow just as much as him. 
Mountain Pillow
And here it is with the potato stamped plus sign pillow in case you missed that post. 
Mountain Pillow

 photo signaturehava_zpsq9vic2io.jpg
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*we'll be possibly sharing this post at one of these blog parties


  1. Ooooh, i'm so inspired! These would be darling in a nursery (or just about anywhere)!

  2. The fur fabric on top just MAKES it. So awesome. :)

  3. This is so much fun! It would be so great in a lodge-inspired den.

  4. I love, love, love this pillow - now I really think that there is now way around learning how to sew. Thank you!

  5. That pillow is super cute! Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. How cute! I never thought about making pillows in different shapes!

    Thanks for linking up with What's Up Wednesday!

  7. This is so cute! I need one of those on my couch pronto.
    Thanks so much for linking up with us on What's Up Wednesday! Hope to see you there again!

  8. This is so cute and creative! I'm moving the end of this year and have been collecting some DIY throw pillow ideas because they are so expensive to buy. Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings.

  9. Gorgeous! I was just looking at making one very similar to this last week! I think I'll have to get the sewing machine out now!



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