Summer Reading Bingo Free Printable - Sisters, What!

Summer Reading Bingo Free Printable

free summer reading bingo homeschool edition
I recently made some vintage library reading log bookmarks for my kids and wanted something to encourage them to read a variety of books over the summer. There are so many different reading bingos but I had some specific subjects I wanted to add for my kids. Plus, I asked my kids what they would want on there and added a couple of things they said. 
I'm going to give my kids the option to do their own bingo, but I think it would be fun to do a family read aloud bingo too. Go to end of post to download the bingo. 

I like how Brighter Day Press shared their favorite books to go with different catergories so I thought I'd share some of our favorite books with each catergory I did:

Myths (or fairytales) from Another Culture: The Glass Mountain: Tales from Poland by David Walser : we read quite a few polish fairytale books before our trip to Poland last fall and this one was our favorite. 

Graphic Novel: The Stars were Scattered by Victoria Jamieson & Omar Mohamed This is a great audiobook option as well. We all loved listening to it this year. 

Fantasy Book:  On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson we all loved this series, but don't stop at one! 
OR Wizard for Hire by Obert Skye we read this one recently and it was fun and took place in Oregon; but probably best for older kids. 

Can you tell we have too many nature favorites? I could go on...

Historic non-fiction: Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam by Diane Stanley This was a picture book but very thorough and long 
OR History Dudes Vikings by Laura Buller by kids loved this book.

Book that won an award: The Girl who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill this is probably one of our all time favorites; definitely a modern classic.

Mystery: From the Mixed-Up files Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler by E. L. Konigsburg This is an old book, but we read it recently and we all enjoyed it. I've read mixed reviews about how the premise is unbelievable but I tried to put myself in kids shoes and realized that this is written for kids who my wonder what if I ran away?...

An old Classic: The King with His Six Friends by Jay Williams I grew up with this one and my kids still enjoy it! 
OR The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald  This is definitely an older read with lots of old words, but a good one to read with kids. 

A Fairytale: The Classic Hans Christian Anderson Fairytale I grew up with this collection and got it for my own kids. The art is beautiful. 

a Biography: Orca Rescue!:The True Story of an Orphaned Orca Named Springer by Donna Sandstrom Technically this is about an Orca, but I think it can still count as a biography. Its really good and a quick read too! Or John Ronalds Dragon: The Story of J.R.R. Tolkien by Caroline Mcalister

A book part of a Series: Half Magic by Edward Eager OR Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarian by Brandon Sanderson These are all over the place, but clever and really funny. Plus Sanderson is teaching about writing throughout the book. 

A Geography book from your country: A North American Rain Forest Scrapbook by Virginia Wright-Frierson This is one of my favorites about the Rain Forest in Washington. 

A Science book: Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes by Nicola Davies  OR Benjamin Franklin:Giant of Science by Kathleen Krull (if you have audible, you can listen to a few of her books for free!)

I hope you enjoy this list and the bingo. Please share with me @sisterswhat if you print and use it!

summer reading bingo printable for homeschool

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